Looking for creative new ways to improve the health of your garden? Sure, you keep it irrigated and make sure to prune it frequently, but have you thought about the insects that make your garden bloom? Hummingbirds, butterflies, bees and other pollinators will help your garden, and the gardens of your neighbors, flourish throughout the season. Water and sun are essential ingredients in the recipe for a healthy garden, but pollinators are every bit as important as well.
If you haven’t noticed a lot of pollinator activity going on in your garden lately, don’t worry. There are a few things you can do to attract them to your yard. The first thing you should try is adding some structure to your garden.
We’re not talking about building a nest, but bees and butterflies like to hang out in places where they have shelter from predators if they need it. Likewise, if your garden is completely out in the open they may steer clear. Try letting an overgrown shrub grow into your garden, or adding an artificial nesting box. You could also try a hummingbird feeder, but keep in mind this could attract bigger birds as well.
Next, try switching up the plants you’re growing. You want to provide a lot of nectar and pollen-rich plants for the pollinating insects. Wildflowers, blooming annuals, perennials, shrubs, and even dill and fennel are good choices.
Last, but most certainly not least—this is perhaps the most important—avoid using pesticides. Toxic chemicals may keep weeds at bay, but they’ll also keep pollinators out of your garden, and they could even end up making your plants unhealthy, too.
For more tips on caring for your lawn and garden, check out some of our earlier blog entries here. Stay tuned for more updates from your premier source for irrigation systems, landscape lighting and more – Suburban Lawn Sprinkler Co.