With fall right around the corner, now is the perfect time start thinking about what your lawn might need for the months ahead. Here are some lawn care tips for the coming season.
Keep mowing
As long as your grass is growing, you should be mowing! You’ll just want to adjust how you mow based on how fast the grass is growing. Toward the end of the fall season, drop the blade to the lowest setting for your last few cuts, so that more sunlight will reach the grass during winter. Just make sure not to trim off more than one-third of the grass at a time.
Rake the leaves
It can be a pain removing all the leaves from your yard, especially if your property has a lot of trees, but leaving them on your lawn can cause even more headaches for you come springtime. When leaves get wet from rain or morning dew, they will clump together and form a covering that can become very difficult to penetrate. As a result, your lawn won’t receive enough sunlight and oxygen to stay healthy and may end up dying. The wet leaves are also a prime environment for fungal diseases to develop. If you really don’t want to rake, you could consider using a lawnmower with a collection bag or even use the lawnmower to mulch your leaves.
Experts agree that the best time to fertilize your lawn is in the fall. Doing so will enable your lawn to continue to receive enough nutrients for the off-season and ensure it’s in good shape come spring.
If you live in Massachusetts and are looking to have your lawn fertilized or need other landscaping services, look no further than Suburban Lawn Sprinkler Co.! From irrigation systems to holiday lighting, we take care of it all. Contact us today!