Ever wonder whether those dead-looking gray patches on your lawn might be something more serious than sun damage? If so, you might be right. That’s because lawn fungus can be easily mistaken for other conditions, and it’s important to diagnose this problem before it spreads.
But don’t worry—the team at Suburban Lawn has compiled a quick list of helpful tips to both prevent lawn fungus, and treat the disease in the event that it affects your lawn.
How Can I Identify Lawn Fungus?
Spotting lawn fungus is easy once you know what to look out for. Are certain areas of your grass greasy-looking or darkened? Do your grass blades or stems have gray, black, red, purple or orange spots? If so, both are common indications of lawn fungus, as are colorful patches or rings that grow in diameter.
When Are Fungal Diseases Most Common?
Lawn diseases can pop up at different times throughout the year, often due to specific weather conditions. Hot, humid weather typically brings on brown patches, whereas warmer, drought conditions tend to result in Fusarium blight. Dewy spring nights, on the other hand, can result in dollar spot fungus formations.
What Should I Do To Prevent Lawn Fungus?
From aerating your lawn to coating your lawn with an organic top-dressing, there are a number of ways to prevent against lawn fungus. Detaching, which removes buildups of dead growth to allow your soil to breathe, is another effective fungus-prevention technique. Be sure to conduct soil tests before fertilizing as well to avoid disrupting the nutrient balance of your lawn.
It’s Happened — Now How Do I Treat It?
Before proceeding any further, it’s important to note that dead patches of grass don’t always mean fungus, so we’d like to caution against treating the issue without a professional assessment. Yes, organic options like compost tea or baking soda solutions can help treat small patches of fungus—as can stronger fungicides—but first, you should confirm what’s affecting your lawn before invoking any treatments.